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P-01 (S8)

Tülay Alp Öztürk (student): Salt stress activated the Warburg effect in Brassica napus L.

P-02 (S17)

Michal Arbel (student): Conservation of indolergic olfactory receptors highlights the ecological significance of indoles in Diptera

P-03 (S18)

Nadine Austel: Do options matter? Choice and no-choice assays together reveal chemical mediated resistance of cruciferous plants to the pollen beetle

P-04 (S15)

Thibaut Bagni: The effect of temperature on olfaction in a moth revealed by its interaction with body mass

P-05 (S4)

Sara Basile (student): Response of Picea abies to simulate acute drought stress and its correlations with susceptibility to the bark beetles Ips typographus (L.) and I. duplicatus

P-06 (S17)

Jacqueline Bede: Medicago truncatula sapogenins in plant-insect interactions: Sex-related differences in the transcriptomic responses of Trichoplusia ni caterpillars to the aglycone hederagenin

P-07 (S4)

Jaromír Bláha (student): Beech bark beetle Taphrorychus bicolor and the host volatiles of Fagus sylvatica

P-08 (S18)

Maria Carolina Blassioli Moraes: Blissus sp. (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) produce two males specific sesquiterpenoids with potential as sex pheromone

P-09 (S18)

Maria Carolina Blassioli Moraes: Two male specific compounds from the green belly stink bug Diceraeus melacanthus with potential to role as an aggregation pheromone

P-10 (S15)

Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė: Fungi in stored grain: Contamination detection at early stage by application of insect antenna as biosensor

P-11 (S13)

Jean-Luc Boevé: Chemical diversity in hostplants of tenthredinid sawflies

P-12 (S4)

Gábor Bozsik: Chirality of α-pinene: Switch from plant kairomone to aggregation pheromone in the cypress bark beetle, Phloeosinus aubei

P-13 (S18)

Ludvine Brajon (student): Function and evolution of weevil pheromone receptors

P-14 (S17)

Gabrielė Bumbulytė (student): Fungus infected grain: Reaction in males and females of yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae)

P-15 (S18)

Rasa Čepulytė: Responses of three entomopathogenic nematode species from the genus Steinernema to ethanol and 1-nonene

P-16 (S8)

İrem Çetinkaya (student): The effect of modulator molecules on GABA-shunt in Brassica napus L.

P-17 (S16)

Radana Chytilová (student): Host plant chemical response to oviposition by damselfly (Lestes)

P-18 (S18)

Mariana Cruz Díaz (student): Behavioral response of Plodia iterpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae to volatile compounds from stored amaranth sticks

P-19 (S7)

Ferenc Deutsch (student): Different climatic conditions – different success? Temperature and photoperiod induced changes in mating behavior and cuticular hydrocarbon profile in fruit pest Drosophila suzukii

P-20 (S18)

Anna Laura Erdei: Codling moth mate choice depends on both host plant odour and sex pheromone

P-21 (S18)

Javier Espinoza: Semiochemicals from cattle dung as a potential alternative to the horn fly management

P-22 (S4)

Maya Evenden: The impact of flight on subsequent semiochemical-mediated communication in the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)

P-23 (S16)

Jordi Gamir: Baculovirus manipulation modifies odour-guided behaviour in Spodoptera exigua

P-24 (S4)

Jixing Guo: Functional analysis of odorant-binding proteins XaffOBP9 and XaffOBP10 in Xyleborus affinis

P-25 (S18)

Sophie Heijblom: Early detection of virus-infected seed potatoes using volatile fingerprints

P-26 (S6)

Baoyu Hu (student): Metabolism of spruce defensive phenolic compounds by bark beetle’s symbiotic fungus

P-27 (S7)

Zhijia Huang (student): Parasitoid response to temporal HIPVs dynamics and HIPVs emitted by drought-stressed plants

P-28 (S18)

Yasir Islam: Monitoring of Lobesia botrana using attractive semiochemicals and LED-UV in vineyards of central Chile and Catalonia, northeastern Spain

P-29 (S1)

Vincent Jacob: The degree of host specialization shapes the morphological and molecular organization of the sensory organs of Tephritidae fruit flies

P-30 (S6)

Seonghan Jang: Ingested soil bacteria breach gut epithelia and prime systemic immunity without pathogenic effects

P-31 (S1)

Jibin Johny (student): Natural polymorphisms altering ligand selectivity in a bark beetle pheromone receptor

P-32 (S1)

Jibin Johny (student): Putative role of antenna-enriched sensory neuron membrane protein RferSNMPu1 in Asian Palm Weevil pheromone detection

P-33 (S13)

Frédéric Jullien: A multiomics approach of the scent in Pelargonium species: Analysis of terpene diversity and functional characterization of sTPSa genes

P-34 (S8)

Alina Kalyniukova: Metabolomic response of Ulmus minor, Ulmus laevis, and Ulmus glabra to drought stress

P-35 (S6)

Katerina Karamanoli: Chemical profile of different oregano accessions originated from the same region (Mount Vertiscos) and their effect on plant growth promoting rhizobacteria

P-36 (S1)

Kateřina Kašparová (student): Identification of the trail-following pheromone receptor in termites

P-37 (S1)

Sándor Kecskeméti: The walnut husk fly that chose quince! – the strange case of Rhagoletis completa oviposition on Cydonia oblonga

P-38 (S6)

Arunabha Khara (student): Unravelling mycobiome of Scots pine beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae)

P-39 (S18)

Junheon Kim: Mating disruption of Conogethes punctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in chestnut orchards

P-40 (S9)

Takeshi Kinsho: Synthesis of sex pheromones of mealybug and scale species and their field application

P-41 (S4)

Rosa Knoppersen (student): What is in the belly of the beast: The gut microbial community of the Eucalyptus snout beetle

P-42 (S17)

Elisabeth H. Koschier: Food plant localisation in the sugar beet weevil Asproparthenis punctiventris Germar

P-43 (S9)

Johanna Kuhn (student): Ethyl-branched sesquiterpenes: Chemical signals in tropical frogs?

P-44 (S18)

Raúl Laumann: Semiochemicals from byproducts of sugarcane mills attractive to Stomoxys calcitrans

P-45 (S8)

Mariana Lopez-Gordillo (student): Regulation of NUDX1-1a gene, a pivotal player in geraniol production in roses

P-46 (S14)

Christophe Lucas: Influence of selected essential oils on the behavior of female wolf spiders Pardosa hortensis (Araneae: Lycosidae)

P-47 (S17)

Inka Lusebrink: Herbivore induced resistance of hop plants against spider mites

P-48 (S17)

Eszter Matula (student): The optimal choice of trap type for the recently spreading jewel beetle pests Lamprodila festiva and Agrilus sinuatus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae)

P-49 (S1)

Marie Merle: Evolution of chemosensory genes in the Chagas disease vectors of the genus Rhodnius

P-50 (S18)

Mirian Michereff: Enhancing soybean field monitoring: Evaluating the efficacy of Euschistus heros pheromone nanoemulsion for smart pest control

P-51 (S9)

Yuki Miyake: Synthesis of pheromones of two processionary moths, Thaumetopoea pityocampa and T. processionea, and their application in forest

P-52 (S3)

Anton Möllerke (student): GC Coupled with infrared spectroscopy as key technology in the structure elucidation of trace compounds

P-53 (S3)

Lilach Lily Mondaca: Identification of bioactive essential compound extracted from Lemna using supercritical fluid extraction

P-54 (S17)

Hiromi Mukai: Volatiles from commercial fungi act as chemical cues that influence the behavior of fungivorous pest insects

P-55 (S18)

Bretor Mutua (student): Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of Cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae) to Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) volatiles, a potential push plant for vegetable push-pull cropping system

P-56 (S4)

Aisha Naseer (student): 3-carene metabolism: A potential target for RNAi-based Ips typographus pest management

P-57 (S9)

Isiaka Owolabi: Biosynthetic strategies in plant defense and plant interactions to assess the impact of plant chemicals on selected natural enemies of whiteflies

P-58 (S4)

Shristee Panthee (student): The roles of volatile organic compounds in tri-trophic interactions along altitudinal gradient in Salix species

P-59 (S16)

Maria Pappas: Beneficial microbes against arthropod pests in sustainable pepper production

P-60 (S16)

Florencia Parpal: Characterization of volatiles and metabolome of domestic strawberry genotypes for the management of the red spider mite

P-61 (S20)

Sandra Radžiute: Plant-origin attractants for economically important pest Otiorhynchus salicicola (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) differ in males and females

P-62 (S8)

Rajarajan Ramakrishnan (student): Pheromone biosynthesis gene silencing using RNA interference in a spruce forest pest, Ips typographus

P-63 (S15)

Muhammad Usman Rasheed: Alarm calls of sagebrush coverage when herbivory is high

P-64 (S19)

Christina Roggatz: Dynamic chemical interactions in marine diatom-bacteria biofilms

P-65 (S8)

Mateus Sanches (student): Exploring chemical communication in Dalbulus maidis: Double choice olfactometer bioassays indicate that males are the sex-pheromone producer

P-66 (S17)

Shatarupa Sarkar (student): RNAi as an emerging technology for management of Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) in the European forests

P-67 (S3)

Stefan Schulz: MACE – Mass Spectra for Chemical Ecology

P-68 (S18)

Gothandapani Sellamuthu: Eurasian spruce bark beetle cytochrome P450 and glutathione S-transferases play a crucial role against conifer monoterpene defence

P-69 (S4)

Mayuri Shewale (student): Characterization of olfactory sensory neurons in non-aggressive Ips cembrae and Ips acuminatus and its comparison to aggressive Ips typographus

P-70 (S11)

Kaori Shiojiri: Airborne and soilborne cues of herbivory reduce damage and accelerate flowering

P-71 (S9)

Ozan Solak (student): New macrocyclic lactones as cuticular lipids in butterflies

P-72 (S13)

Bao-Hua Song: Unravelling the genetic basis of phytochemical variation in wild soybean

P-73 (S4)

Jaroslav Strádal (student): Selection of candidate carboxylesterase genes involved in the biosynthesis of pheromonal cis-verbenol in the bark beetle Ips typographus

P-74 (S4)

Barbora Stříbrská (student): Defense chemistry and physiological responses of mature Norway spruce (Picea abies) to bark beetle (Ips typographus) infestation: Potential parameters for early attack detection method

P-75 (S6)

Nataliia Svietlova: The endophytic fungus Mortierella hyalina mitigates nitrogen starvation in Arabidopsis thaliana plants

P-76 (S17)

Win Lai Lai Swe (student): The ecologically base enhancement of beneficial microorganisms for the control of Meloidogyne incognita in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

P-77 (S4)

Jiří Synek (student): Everything you always wanted to know about bark beetles rearing, but were afraid to ask

P-78 (S16)

Shi-ichi Tebayashi: Repellent from Persicaria chinensis against pillbug

P-79 (S8)

Dorothea Tholl: All on one chromosome – revealing the genetic underpinnings of terpene formation in the Asian ladybeetle Harmonia axyridis

P-80 (S20)

James A Timbilla: Seasonal abundance, host preferences, and economic importance of horse flies (Insecta: Diptera: Tabanidae) in Sub Saharan Africa: A case study in Ghana, West Africa

P-81 (S18)

Deimantė Tiškevičiūtė (student): Efficacy of EPNs against invasive pest Otiorhynchus salicicola adults: Behaviorally active compounds and lethality

P-82 (S4)

Miklós Tóth: Traps with synthetic, long lasting bisexual generic attractants as a new method supplementing light traps for assessing composition and sex ratios of Macroheterocera assemblages

P-83 (S17)

Savvina Toufexi (student): Responses of the parasitoid Trichogramma achaeae to native plant volatiles

P-84 (S8)

Naoki Ube: Molecular identification of a laccase that catalyzes the oxidative coupling of a hydroxycinnamic acid amide for hordatine biosynthesis in barley

P-85 (S8)

Gwanhyeong Yu (student): Beneath the surface: Revealing plant defenses against seed predators

P-86 (S8)

Jiajia Zhao (student): Chemical defence and warning signal pigment evolution in an aposematic bug

P-87 (S11)

Liza Zhyr (student): Silent treatment: The role of S. indica in Arabidopsis communication and defence against infection

P-88 (S18)

Sergio E. Ramos: Early monitoring and detection of insect pests in agriculture using plant volatiles

P-01 (S8)

Tülay Alp Öztürk (student): Salt stress activated the Warburg effect in Brassica napus L.

P-03 (S18)

Nadine Austel: Do options matter? Choice and no-choice assays together reveal chemical mediated resistance of cruciferous plants to the pollen beetle

P-05 (S4)

Sara Basile (student): Response of Picea abies to simulate acute drought stress and its correlations with susceptibility to the bark beetles Ips typographus (L.) and I. duplicatus

P-07 (S4)

Jaromír Bláha (student): Beech bark beetle Taphrorychus bicolor and the host volatiles of Fagus sylvatica

P-09 (S18)

Maria Carolina Blassioli Moraes: Two male specific compounds from the green belly stink bug Diceraeus melacanthus with potential to role as an aggregation pheromone

P-11 (S13)

Jean-Luc Boevé: Chemical diversity in hostplants of tenthredinid sawflies

P-13 (S18)

Ludvine Brajon (student): Function and evolution of weevil pheromone receptors

P-15 (S18)

Rasa Čepulytė: Responses of three entomopathogenic nematode species from the genus Steinernema to ethanol and 1-nonene

P-17 (S16)

Radana Chytilová (student): Host plant chemical response to oviposition by damselfly (Lestes)

P-19 (S7)

Ferenc Deutsch (student): Different climatic conditions – different success? Temperature and photoperiod induced changes in mating behavior and cuticular hydrocarbon profile in fruit pest Drosophila suzukii

P-21 (S18)

Javier Espinoza: Semiochemicals from cattle dung as a potential alternative to the horn fly management

P-23 (S16)

Jordi Gamir: Baculovirus manipulation modifies odour-guided behaviour in Spodoptera exigua

P-25 (S18)

Sophie Heijblom: Early detection of virus-infected seed potatoes using volatile fingerprints

P-27 (S7)

Zhijia Huang (student): Parasitoid response to temporal HIPVs dynamics and HIPVs emitted by drought-stressed plants

P-29 (S1)

Vincent Jacob: The degree of host specialization shapes the morphological and molecular organization of the sensory organs of Tephritidae fruit flies

P-31 (S1)

Jibin Johny (student): Natural polymorphisms altering ligand selectivity in a bark beetle pheromone receptor

P-33 (S13)

Frédéric Jullien: A multiomics approach of the scent in Pelargonium species: Analysis of terpene diversity and functional characterization of sTPSa genes

P-35 (S6)

Katerina Karamanoli: Chemical profile of different oregano accessions originated from the same region (Mount Vertiscos) and their effect on plant growth promoting rhizobacteria

P-37 (S1)

Sándor Kecskeméti: The walnut husk fly that chose quince! – the strange case of Rhagoletis completa oviposition on Cydonia oblonga

P-39 (S18)

Junheon Kim: Mating disruption of Conogethes punctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in chestnut orchards

P-41 (S4)

Rosa Knoppersen (student): What is in the belly of the beast: The gut microbial community of the Eucalyptus snout beetle

P-43 (S9)

Johanna Kuhn (student): Ethyl-branched sesquiterpenes: Chemical signals in tropical frogs?

P-45 (S8)

Mariana Lopez-Gordillo (student): Regulation of NUDX1-1a gene, a pivotal player in geraniol production in roses

P-47 (S17)

Inka Lusebrink: Herbivore induced resistance of hop plants against spider mites

P-49 (S1)

Marie Merle: Evolution of chemosensory genes in the Chagas disease vectors of the genus Rhodnius

P-51 (S9)

Yuki Miyake: Synthesis of pheromones of two processionary moths, Thaumetopoea pityocampa and T. processionea, and their application in forest

P-53 (S3)

Lilach Lily Mondaca: Identification of bioactive essential compound extracted from Lemna using supercritical fluid extraction

P-55 (S18)

Bretor Mutua (student): Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of Cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae) to Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) volatiles, a potential push plant for vegetable push-pull cropping system

P-57 (S9)

Isiaka Owolabi: Biosynthetic strategies in plant defense and plant interactions to assess the impact of plant chemicals on selected natural enemies of whiteflies

P-59 (S16)

Maria Pappas: Beneficial microbes against arthropod pests in sustainable pepper production

P-61 (S20)

Sandra Radžiute: Plant-origin attractants for economically important pest Otiorhynchus salicicola (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) differ in males and females

P-63 (S15)

Muhammad Usman Rasheed: Alarm calls of sagebrush coverage when herbivory is high

P-65 (S8)

Mateus Sanches (student): Exploring chemical communication in Dalbulus maidis: Double choice olfactometer bioassays indicate that males are the sex-pheromone producer

P-67 (S3)

Stefan Schulz: MACE – Mass Spectra for Chemical Ecology

P-69 (S4)

Mayuri Shewale (student): Characterization of olfactory sensory neurons in non-aggressive Ips cembrae and Ips acuminatus and its comparison to aggressive Ips typographus

P-71 (S9)

Ozan Solak (student): New macrocyclic lactones as cuticular lipids in butterflies

P-73 (S4)

Jaroslav Strádal (student): Selection of candidate carboxylesterase genes involved in the biosynthesis of pheromonal cis-verbenol in the bark beetle Ips typographus

P-75 (S6)

Nataliia Svietlova: The endophytic fungus Mortierella hyalina mitigates nitrogen starvation in Arabidopsis thaliana plants

P-77 (S4)

Jiří Synek (student): Everything you always wanted to know about bark beetles rearing, but were afraid to ask

P-79 (S8)

Dorothea Tholl: All on one chromosome – revealing the genetic underpinnings of terpene formation in the Asian ladybeetle Harmonia axyridis

P-81 (S18)

Deimantė Tiškevičiūtė (student): Efficacy of EPNs against invasive pest Otiorhynchus salicicola adults: Behaviorally active compounds and lethality

P-83 (S17)

Savvina Toufexi (student): Responses of the parasitoid Trichogramma achaeae to native plant volatiles

P-85 (S8)

Gwanhyeong Yu (student): Beneath the surface: Revealing plant defenses against seed predators

P-87 (S11)

Liza Zhyr (student): Silent treatment: The role of S. indica in Arabidopsis communication and defence against infection

P-02 (S17)

Michal Arbel (student): Conservation of indolergic olfactory receptors highlights the ecological significance of indoles in Diptera

P-04 (S15)

Thibaut Bagni: The effect of temperature on olfaction in a moth revealed by its interaction with body mass

P-06 (S17)

Jacqueline Bede: Medicago truncatula sapogenins in plant-insect interactions: Sex-related differences in the transcriptomic responses of Trichoplusia ni caterpillars to the aglycone hederagenin

P-08 (S18)

Maria Carolina Blassioli Moraes: Blissus sp. (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) produce two males specific sesquiterpenoids with potential as sex pheromone

P-10 (S15)

Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė: Fungi in stored grain: Contamination detection at early stage by application of insect antenna as biosensor

P-12 (S4)

Gábor Bozsik: Chirality of α-pinene: Switch from plant kairomone to aggregation pheromone in the cypress bark beetle, Phloeosinus aubei

P-14 (S17)

Gabrielė Bumbulytė (student): Fungus infected grain: Reaction in males and females of yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae)

P-16 (S8)

İrem Çetinkaya (student): The effect of modulator molecules on GABA-shunt in Brassica napus L.

P-18 (S18)

Mariana Cruz Díaz (student): Behavioral response of Plodia iterpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae to volatile compounds from stored amaranth sticks

P-20 (S18)

Anna Laura Erdei: Codling moth mate choice depends on both host plant odour and sex pheromone

P-22 (S4)

Maya Evenden: The impact of flight on subsequent semiochemical-mediated communication in the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)

P-24 (S4)

Jixing Guo: Functional analysis of odorant-binding proteins XaffOBP9 and XaffOBP10 in Xyleborus affinis

P-26 (S6)

Baoyu Hu (student): Metabolism of spruce defensive phenolic compounds by bark beetle’s symbiotic fungus

P-28 (S18)

Yasir Islam: Monitoring of Lobesia botrana using attractive semiochemicals and LED-UV in vineyards of central Chile and Catalonia, northeastern Spain

P-30 (S6)

Seonghan Jang: Ingested soil bacteria breach gut epithelia and prime systemic immunity without pathogenic effects

P-32 (S1)

Jibin Johny (student): Putative role of antenna-enriched sensory neuron membrane protein RferSNMPu1 in Asian Palm Weevil pheromone detection

P-34 (S8)

Alina Kalyniukova: Metabolomic response of Ulmus minor, Ulmus laevis, and Ulmus glabra to drought stress

P-36 (S1)

Kateřina Kašparová (student): Identification of the trail-following pheromone receptor in termites

P-38 (S6)

Arunabha Khara (student): Unravelling mycobiome of Scots pine beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae)

P-40 (S9)

Takeshi Kinsho: Synthesis of sex pheromones of mealybug and scale species and their field application

P-42 (S17)

Elisabeth H. Koschier: Food plant localisation in the sugar beet weevil Asproparthenis punctiventris Germar

P-44 (S18)

Raúl Laumann: Semiochemicals from byproducts of sugarcane mills attractive to Stomoxys calcitrans

P-46 (S14)

Christophe Lucas: Influence of selected essential oils on the behavior of female wolf spiders Pardosa hortensis (Araneae: Lycosidae)

P-48 (S17)

Eszter Matula (student): The optimal choice of trap type for the recently spreading jewel beetle pests Lamprodila festiva and Agrilus sinuatus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae)

P-50 (S18)

Mirian Michereff: Enhancing soybean field monitoring: Evaluating the efficacy of Euschistus heros pheromone nanoemulsion for smart pest control

P-52 (S3)

Anton Möllerke (student): GC Coupled with infrared spectroscopy as key technology in the structure elucidation of trace compounds

P-54 (S17)

Hiromi Mukai: Volatiles from commercial fungi act as chemical cues that influence the behavior of fungivorous pest insects

P-56 (S4)

Aisha Naseer (student): 3-carene metabolism: A potential target for RNAi-based Ips typographus pest management

P-58 (S4)

Shristee Panthee (student): The roles of volatile organic compounds in tri-trophic interactions along altitudinal gradient in Salix species

P-60 (S16)

Florencia Parpal: Characterization of volatiles and metabolome of domestic strawberry genotypes for the management of the red spider mite

P-62 (S8)

Rajarajan Ramakrishnan (student): Pheromone biosynthesis gene silencing using RNA interference in a spruce forest pest, Ips typographus

P-64 (S19)

Christina Roggatz: Dynamic chemical interactions in marine diatom-bacteria biofilms

P-66 (S17)

Shatarupa Sarkar (student): RNAi as an emerging technology for management of Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) in the European forests

P-68 (S18)

Gothandapani Sellamuthu: Eurasian spruce bark beetle cytochrome P450 and glutathione S-transferases play a crucial role against conifer monoterpene defence

P-70 (S11)

Kaori Shiojiri: Airborne and soilborne cues of herbivory reduce damage and accelerate flowering

P-72 (S13)

Bao-Hua Song: Unravelling the genetic basis of phytochemical variation in wild soybean

P-74 (S4)

Barbora Stříbrská (student): Defense chemistry and physiological responses of mature Norway spruce (Picea abies) to bark beetle (Ips typographus) infestation: Potential parameters for early attack detection method

P-76 (S17)

Win Lai Lai Swe (student): The ecologically base enhancement of beneficial microorganisms for the control of Meloidogyne incognita in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

P-78 (S16)

Shi-ichi Tebayashi: Repellent from Persicaria chinensis against pillbug

P-80 (S20)

James A Timbilla: Seasonal abundance, host preferences, and economic importance of horse flies (Insecta: Diptera: Tabanidae) in Sub Saharan Africa: A case study in Ghana, West Africa

P-82 (S4)

Miklós Tóth: Traps with synthetic, long lasting bisexual generic attractants as a new method supplementing light traps for assessing composition and sex ratios of Macroheterocera assemblages

P-84 (S8)

Naoki Ube: Molecular identification of a laccase that catalyzes the oxidative coupling of a hydroxycinnamic acid amide for hordatine biosynthesis in barley

P-86 (S8)

Jiajia Zhao (student): Chemical defence and warning signal pigment evolution in an aposematic bug

P-88 (S18)

Sergio E. Ramos: Early monitoring and detection of insect pests in agriculture using plant volatiles

GUARANT International spol. s r.o.
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Phone: +420 284 001 444
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